Forward To The Past

Post 59: Persuasive Party Politics

And so, and many would say ‘at last’, we are going to get the chance to elect a new government on July 4th; which happens to be our 54th Wedding Anniversary!

Just a few short days since the announcement, and the febrile atmosphere in the media is almost palpable! I have been writing this blog since 2021, and I have always tried to stay objective and apolitical; concentrating on the subject under discussion, rather than taking ‘sides’.

That said, I think my intentions for voting are pretty transparent, if the way I’ve covered certain subjects is anything to go by! The following poem has been on this blog before. It’s always been one of my favourites; describing as it does the tunnel vision of extremes of political thinking. But the last verse does leave a bit of room for an optimistic attitude! 


I’ll do it for the party
A noble dream I’ll follow till my death
A way that’s right; a way that’s bright with vision
A path of stone cut straight
Uncluttered; clear right to Olympiad.


I’ll do it for the party
I’ll trust the words of those that shape my life
Whose stern ideals make reason of the pain
The necessary hardship for the gain.

I’ll do it for the party
The true reality outside my prison cell
I’ll tell the lies they say I have to tell
To keep the structure sound;
Perjurious sacrifice
For all who walk the path of slippery stone.

the joy of partying on the grass

I’ll do it for the party.
It’s kept me and my closest safe and sure
Born into it’s gifts; above the hurly burly of the pack
Financially secure
I’ll take it’s prizes. . and protect it’s back.

I’ll do it for the party.
I’ll faithfully walk the road to rainbow’s end.
I’ll heed the clarion call
I’ll reach the mystics’ promise through the mist
It will be shown to all
Who tread with faithful step towards the end.

I’ll do it for the party.
I’ll do it for the wine, the food, the dance
I’ll watch the people pass
Along that hard stone road
I’ll party with the revellers on the grass.

This is supposed to be a lighthearted comment on the upcoming election. But, be warned. Posts between now and July 4th are likely to be biased; repeating, as they will, poems that I have published before on the blog! Until next time; stay positive.

2 thoughts on “Post 59: Persuasive Party Politics

  1. In the last 12 months or so I seem to have completely lost interest in politics. The Tories have successfully talked enough rollox to drive me away altogether. Our political system is rotten and outdated but I will be putting my left foot forward on July 4th … (well, my anti-right foot anyway).

  2. True … and I will always vote as long as I have the right to. As far as I’m concerned, what the Tories have been engaged in over the last 5 years or so (especially) is down-right criminal … nothing less.

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