Forward To The Past

Post 68: Yesterdays Men

I wrote this blog back in February but, due to family circumstances, I haven’t got round to posting it until now; which explains why it sounds a bit out of date; considering the apoplectic events that have hit the world since then!

Firstly, two poems. One new and one repeated:


Of rootlessness
Of fruitlessness
Of brutal mindless ruthlessness
Of wastefulness
Of hatefulness
Of blind bigoted prejudice

And the reason . .

It’s greediness
It’s purposeful Unheedingness
It’s selfishness
It’s mindlessness
And downright bad mendaciousness

PRIVATEERS    Originally published on Post 9

(Privation: meaning: the state of being deprived of something; especially of what is necessary for comfort)

(Privatization: meaning: to transfer from ownership by the state into private ownership)

How relevant in meaning is the second to the first
And yet, the second nearly always makes privation worse
I think it’s safe to say that the more in private grasp
The less we see equality; and owners held to task

How often are the poorest for their actions vilified
Across the globe they struggle, but mostly stay deprived
Working for the privateers, who profit from the gain
Of owning stuff that once was only in public domain

We cannot trust the Privateers to respect what they own
No state can tell them how to act; that bird has long time flown
They pollute with impunity; enslaving those that once were free
Taking all there is to give; laying waste where others live

The grip of private money fears not the public state
Their influential holdings will always be too great
They buy their way out of the need to shoulder any blame
For pollution or destruction; below the power of shame

Now, as the world reels from effects of creeping climate change
The privateers can keep their assets safely out of range
It’s private land and private water; private service too
No longer is control of such in hands of me or you

Privateers are creeping into every sphere of care
In health provision they clean up when welfare is not there
Their shareholders the only ones who profit from their greed
Of assets that were meant for all; to meet the common need.

Again, no apologies for repeating that poem; which is even more relevant now, when we hear that Elon Musk has ‘taken over’ the whole running of various US state departments; an unelected ‘Privateer’ with no conscience, riding roughshod over years of collaborative funding with global powers; which will affect the lives of millions of beneficiaries; and some of the poorest humans on this earth.

With much apprehension I ponder on what the rest of this year will bring. Despite all our vaunted technology, the world is consumed by wars, famine, populist ideology, ugly rumours and damned lies dressed up as statistical facts.

But the greatest curse on our planet is the worship of money for it’s own sake; the filthy lucre that is utilised to obtain, not just the material advantages of riches, but the power that always follows in wealth’s wake.

Not long ago the USA saw the passing of one of their most honourable statesmen, Jimmy Carter, the 39th President, who was vilified for his humanitarian approach while in office, and mocked by right wing factions for his honesty and dedication to truth. A President who, once out of office, continued in his service, not just to the USA, but to the world, as a peacemaker and communicator; one of those rare leaders who used his influence for good. That is how history will remember him.

What a contrast to the present incumbent of that great office, President of the United States. A man of questionable intelligence and vicious instincts, who has been used to, since childhood, wealth and privilege; but has never developed a moral compass for his actions.

A man subsumed in lies and entitlement, who openly boasts of his intentions to ‘revenge’ himself on the critics of his past actions. A man who regards the great responsibilities of state as his personal playground; where he can do whatever he wants; and is supported in his intentions by a host of fawning plutocrats, who, in their turn, burnish his ego for the express purpose of feathering their own nests.

Unfortunately he is not alone in this world, in taking vicarious pleasure in the malign influence of uncontrolled power. In many other countries old men trifle with the rights of their populations; their behaviour markedly the same as past dictators in history. To get back to my previous premise, it seems to me, that it is always the power of money that has the final say.

Again, it is Elon Musk, he of the unlimited riches, and reportedly Trump’s right hand man, who is using his wealth to influence and encourage right wing ideology in other countries. Several nations in Europe have leaders of a right wing persuasion, who are leading their young down the same path. Once again we see the same old splits and factions opening up; old quarrels which caused those dreadful events of the past are dragged out of the closet, feeding bitterness and division. The lessons of two world wars seem to have been forgotten. It is now an urgent necessity to ‘speak truth to lies’ to the new generations that are being brainwashed by yesterdays men, with mendacious cynical claims; and all for the power that money can buy.

Many parents and grandparents are fearing for the future of of our children and grandchildren. It’s not being too dramatic to state that our world is, yet again, on the brink of devastating peril.  But we must prevail against these old lies; and against the disgusting propaganda spouted by ‘Yesterdays Men’, determined to return us to the chaos of past history.

My only hope is that Trump and his acolytes have possibly ‘shot their bolt’. As the lies, extreme claims, vaunting ambition, greed and bullying tactics become ever more exposed, are even the right wing ideologues across the globe beginning to question their allegiance to this ‘mad, bad and dangerous to know’ crew?

And will the present and unaware complacent generation realize the global danger of another European conflict, before it is too late?

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