Forward To The Past

Post 10 elegy


I, like many others, have been very disturbed by the horrific report of another little child killed by those who should be nurturing and protective. Unfortunately Covid has set up perfect conditions for these victims to be hidden from view.

Coupled with the dearth of professionals, social workers and the like, that have gradually lost funding for at least the last ten years, our children are now more vulnerable than ever.

This is a poem I wrote some time in the eighties; one of the topics of ‘Forward to the Past’ that does not seem to have changed for the better.



The school is packing up. It’s time to go
Ahead there still is time to share
With loving parents all the day has shown
Shouting and jostling, children make their way home
To tea and chatter; laughter; parents love;
Except for Johnny . . . all alone.

He skulks; head down, loath to leave the safety of the class.
He fears his homecoming;
Dreads the pain that is his lot from parents who will wait
For one small childish slip to hit and punch, to bruise him yet again.
For him no love; just terror and another broken bone.
Poor Johnny . . . all alone.

The Social Worker’s had complaints
From one who will not give their name.
They’ve heard him crying in his room at night.
The parents hide their actions; they explain
That Johnny’s ‘difficult’
It’s just not natural for a boy his age to wet the bed night after night.
They want to make it plain
That he deserves his punishment. They want to make it known.
Poor Johnny . . . all alone.

The Worker wonders if it’s time to take him into care.
His teacher’s been in touch again
About the marks upon his back.
But he won’t talk; too scared to trust to any but himself.
His fear has been deep sown.
Poor Johnny . . . all alone.

Maybe he’ll make it through to be a man;
Twisted of mind and body; bruised of soul.
Or maybe one more kicking; one more vicious push
Will see the end of him.

And then the paperwork will fly; the questions all be asked.
Neighbours will shake their heads and say they knew one day . . .
Quite soon the scandal will be over. It will die.
And somewhere in another part of town
Another frightened child is being beaten down.
Poor victim; helpless infant all alone;
Poor Johnny . . . not alone.





5 thoughts on “Post 10 elegy

  1. I have always said that people should be veted before they are allowed to have children.
    You are if you want to take on a pet from a rescue centre !!!!

  2. Yes Andy, you are so right. It does seem that in this country we care more about pets (but not factory farmed animals) than children. If you want proof of this you only have to see how ‘pets’ were prioritized over people in Kabul; when the army were asked to help with the evacuation of animals from a private zoo!

  3. When I saw the subject matter of this blog post I had to give it a couple of days before I could bring myself to read it, what with the news of that poor little boy in Solihull.

    … and with good reason it seems! This is a very powerful poem.

  4. The most upsetting thing about this subject is that I wrote that poem in 1979; the International year of the child! So no change there then. Worldwide we are not treating future generations with the care and nurturing that is their right; and not enough love.

  5. Very powerful poem Jackie.
    Child abuse has risen by 33% during lockdown as has adult domestic violence.
    Whole population Lockdowns are causing a host of problems that will be with us for years to come.

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