Forward To The Past

Post 5 Migrant Myths?


Humans have always been nomads
Since the dawn of man, we have travelled
We have upped sticks and moved on
In tribes, with goods and chattels
With horses, goats, cattle and dogs
Motivated by a search for food and shelter
Spread wide by the vagrancies of nature

Now, as climate change controls our lives
There is often no choice but to migrate
Desperate people f
lee from flood and fire
Hunger and destitution, state brutality
And war, war, war
Seemingly ever more



Once, in a small Portuguese village, where we were camped up in a near free space, we met a man at the basic service point, who ‘showed’ us a free water tap, used by the locals; and very pleased he was with himself, for diddling the local community out of their fee.

We fell into conversation about Syrian refugees, who were fleeing their war torn country in a desperate search for safety. It soon transpired that he had a very different take on the situation than us.

“They should stay at home and fight for their country; just like ‘our boys’ did in WW2”.

When I put forward the view that only desperate people fled their country as a last resort, he stared at me with dawning comprehension.

“You’re a refugee lover” he said, pointing an accusatory finger, as he hastily backed away from me, with his bottles full of free water; his intonation implying amazed disbelief. He fled the scene; obviously not prepared to argue his case with a ‘refugee lover’!

And happy to be one I might add.



In the last post I wrote a Theme on ‘Absent’ Mindfulness,; taken from my new year poems of 2016. Here is another of the same date; but very different in content.  

‘MEAN’ . . .

I’m seeing on the tele
I’m listening to this man
This podgy village dweller
Who’s moaning all he can
About the frightened children
Who’ve “landed on their feet”
And now are housed “at our expense”
In the neighbouring street

What miserable mindfulness
What price humanity
And would he be the same tight fist
For his own family?

Whatever is coming down the road is coming fast. Worldwide action is the only viable choice. Delay and obfuscation won’t cut it. But we already have the tools and expertise to solve the wasteful polluted mess we have made. I’m not religious but the fable of Adam and Eve being cast from Paradise is a worthy parable for our time. Let’s hope we can find our way back into the garden of Eden.




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