Forward To The Past

Post 33 Autumn Aspirations

  An Autumn Ode 

We drove home past Freshwater West bay
The silver sea boiled with surf so white
A wind, strong enough to lean into,
Blew from the chill South East

Flurries of foam flew from the shore
Up and over the road
Spattering on car windows
A lone gull rode the wind
With never one beat of a wing
In the monochrome sky fast moving clouds
Shape changing as they scudded by

In the garden the papery sound
Of falling leaves are all around
Twisting about in Autumn’s blustery gusts
Falling, finally to ground

Corn cobs lie at random on the lawn
The squirrel’s hoard
Carried from the field where harvest’s done
But not yet safely hid and stored.

We sit at sunset time and watch the sky
As dusk descends
Sometimes a fiery glow of fading light
As another evening ends


A gentle poem to start this post; as a reminder that, despite all the madness going down, our world  still needs saving. The dark days before the Winter solstice tend to encourage gloomy foreboding; especially with war, famine, fire and flood forever in the news. 

But, on this day, when we remember all those who have fallen in a country’s cause, whether just or not, I still hope, despite my increasing years, that our world is beginning to realize we need to change our ways. Worldwide communication is connecting like minded world citizens, who are beginning to differentiate between the shysters, who use the internet for malign purpose, and the sincere people of this planet, trying to alter the course of our trajectory into disaster.

We have probably left it too late to stop much of the over consumption, encouraged by greed, unthinking wastefulness, and downright lies of those who only consider their own selfish aims. Already we are experiencing the results of that unthinking and profligate mindset that has brought us to this brink; and it’s effects are, and will be as devastating to the rich countries as to the poor. To my mind, the only way out of this mess is global cooperation; which we now have the power to utilize.

The saying ‘necessity is the Mother of invention’ has never been more apposite and obviously true. All over the world, individuals and societies are inventing, discovering and finding innovative ways of solving the climate emergency; and adapting old technologies of sun, wind and water to save our beleaguered planet. We have known how to accomplish these aims for many many years. Now is the time to prove their verity.


Why can we not be true Earth people
Standing together, gazing into the void
Protecting each others backs
Accepting our differences
Acknowledging our similar needs
Ignoring cries of Nationalist division
And saving our children
For a better world

3 thoughts on “Post 33 Autumn Aspirations

    1. I’ve just skimmed through your link re blockchains; it made my head hurt! And, this last week has seen some collapse of cryptocurrencies, which I gather are interlinked with the process of establishing reliable and authenticated systems. And, we will still have to rely on human interaction and probity. Good luck with that! Glad you like the ode; and the sunset.

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