EVERYBODY NEEDS . . . Everybody needs a garden It should be the law! Large or small, a patch of earth Could teach us all of nature’s worth No matter rich or poor Everyone would know the pleasure When you harvest what you sow There’s no better satisfaction Than this basic ancient action. And, you […]
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Post 57: The Outbuilding; the first Twenty Years!
ONE OF THOSE DAYS 14th May 2005 We’ve had one of those days A day spent walking Along flower strewn cliffs. Spent gazing out at sea Spying guillemots and gulls Chough, swallows and raven It’s been one of those days We dreamt of long ago While biding time In semi-detached townland. One day, we’d […]
Continue reading...Post 56: Springing Forward!
As the Spring Equinox influences our daylight hours, thoughts and actions turn to gardening tasks; that don’t destroy nature’s tried and tested systems. NATURE LOVERS? We need to learn to love the slug That leaves those shining silver trails And are found in every garden corner While we admire more adorable fauna That look so […]
Continue reading...Post 55: Things We Used To Do!
I AM NOT A ROBOT ! I am not a robot; of this fact I am quite sure I have to depend on my ancient connections Which tend to wander off . . in all directions My hard drive could do with a booster And I have a much depleted poor app store I promise […]
Continue reading...Post 54: Laying Down the Law
LAYING DOWN THE LAW Tabloids do ‘Distraction’ tactics Of headline shout and shock Which divert the enquiring reader Enraged by the latest ‘exclusive’ leader Appealing to prurience, sleaze and sensation Encouraging voluble high indignation Meanwhile, where our laws are shaped Our suffrage is routinely raped Cohorts of a right wing crew Make sure new laws […]
Continue reading...Post 53: A Longing for Peace
A New Year wish for January 2024 WHY NOT? Why cannot we be true Earth people Standing together, gazing out into the void Protecting each other’s backs Accepting our differences, Acknowledging our similar needs Not noticing the seams of Nationalist remembrance With apologies for not starting with that much used mantra ‘a happy […]
Continue reading...Post 52: The Solace of the Solstice
The Solace of the Solstice The solace of the Solstice, the turning of the year When nature feels the season’s changing ways And naturally, gradually, instinctively Shifts into different gear The solace of the solstice, the lightening of heart We also feel the pull of longer days And hopefully, cautiously, carefully Wait for the year […]
Continue reading...Post 51 Thoughtless Thinking
MONOLOGUE November 1993 Me? What do I think? About what? Well, now you’re asking. I don’t think a lot Well, I mean, you can’t change anything can you? Why waste time thinking? You’ve got to go for it; that’s what I think What do I think about crime? Well, what a question; it’s […]
Continue reading...Post 50: Lessons of War
BREAKING OF HEARTS Acknowledgements to Henry Reed and ‘Naming of Parts’; part one of his Trilogy titled ‘Lessons of the War’ Today we have breaking of hearts. Yesterday We had ethnic cleansing. And tomorrow morning We shall hear who has died after firing. But today, Today we have breaking of hearts. In the garden Late […]
Continue reading...Post 49: Hair Raising
REFLECTION 1991 He looked in the mirror He looked at his high smooth forehead Examined his well shaved chin Gazed at the sparse cut hair That moulded to his head And round his fine folded ears He looked in the mirror Remembering the time when that forehead Was hidden by a heavy fringe When […]
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