Forward To The Past

Post 41: Spring Gardening

 The days are lengthening and the trees are greening.Thrushes sing from early morning to early night. Fruit tree blossom clothes the bare branches. We delight in the animal life that finds food in our bird friendly borders and beds. And we rediscover the joy of gardening life. These two poems were written some years ago; but are even more  relevant than ever.


Everybody needs a garden
It should be the law!
Large or small, a patch of earth
Could teach us all of nature’s worth
No matter rich or poor

Everyone should know the pleasure
When you harvest what you sow
There’s no better satisfaction
Than this basic ancient action.
And, you comprehend a fraction
Of the need to plant and grow


I used to hate gardening
When we lived on a hill
When the wind held full sway
And it rained every day
And we battled with ice
To wrench swedes from the clay

But now I love gardening
Whatever the chore
Be it pruning or shearing
Or weeding or clearing
It’s amazingly cheering
And never a bore

The pleasure of gardening
Is hard to define
Like a deep rooted need
To clear ground and weed
For the planting of seed
A skill that has passed
Down the seasons of time

3 thoughts on “Post 41: Spring Gardening

  1. Love gardening! Good for the soul. My Echinaceas are looking good this year. I have a variety of colours. I must send you some pics not to mention the fruit bushes and beetroot!

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